God's Teachers


God's Teachers

Dear Jesus try to help me
I will never understand
Why would God take a child
From a Mothers loving hands?

She missed so many things
Being left without the time
To teach her child to tie her shoes
Or sing a nursery rhyme.

Crayons and coloring books
Mud puddles with dirty socks.
Poka dots with Calamine
To soothe the chicken pox.

ABC's and school days
She never had a chance
To french braid her hair
Or teach her how to dance.

I just cannot comprehend
How this could be God's plan.
To give a Mother a child
Then take her from her hands.

Looking into a child's eyes
I felt answers from above.
How could Heaven be complete
Without the presence of a child's love.

She traded in her shoes and socks
For a set of Angel Wings.
How lonely it would be in Heaven
Without the joy a child brings.

God picks special children
Taking them home with Him.
What an honor it must be for her,
In Heaven having never sinned.

Without the inspiration
And love that a child brings
How could a choir of Angels
Ever find words to sing.

The best teacher of love and forgiveness
That God could ever choose
Is through the eyes of a child
No other could fit their shoes.

I think God must use children
For teachers up in Heaven.
Their innocence and purity
His miracle of perfection.

One day soon dear Mother
How proud I know you will be.
To see the way your precious child
Has worn her Angel Wings.

~ Eileen Breedlove ~
©2000, used with permission



Poet's Corner


Midi "Forever and a Day" is
used with permission
and is copyright © 2000 -Bruce DeBoer